Treatment Foster Care Oregon (TFCO) formally known as Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) AKA Treatment Foster Care Oregon

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Program/Intervention Name

Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) AKA Treatment Foster Care Oregon


Delinquency and Criminal Behavior, Educational Support Interventions, Family Functioning, Family Support and Placement Stabilization Programs, Independent living and career readiness, Parenting Skills - Training and Enhancement, Peer associations/relationships, Resource Parent Training Programs, Social/emotional functioning, Academic performance/functioning and achievement, Behavioral Management and Treatment

Program/Intervention Description

What: There are two major aims of TFCO; to create opportunities so that children are able to successfully live in families rather than in group or institutional settings, and to simultaneously prepare their parents, relatives, or other aftercare resources to provide effective parenting so that the positive changes made during TFCO placements can be sustained over the long-run.  Four key elements of treatment are targeted during placement and aftercare: (1) providing the child with a consistent reinforcing environment where he or she is mentored and encouraged to develop socially, emotionally, and academically, (2) providing daily structure with clear expectations and limits, with well-specified consequences delivered in a positive, supportive, teaching-oriented manner, (3) providing close tracking of the child’s behavior and emotional adjustment in family and school settings and with peers, and (4) helping the child to develop positive attachments to adults and to peers.How: Four key elements of treatment are targeted during placement and aftercare: (1) providing the child with a consistent reinforcing environment where he or she is mentored and encouraged to develop socially, emotionally, and academically, (2) providing daily structure with clear expectations and limits, with well-specified consequences delivered in a positive, supportive, teaching-oriented manner, (3) providing close tracking of the child’s behavior and emotional adjustment in family and school settings and with peers, and (4) helping the child to develop positive attachments to adults and to peers. For foster parent(s), there is typically a minimum of seven contacts per week which consist of five 10-minute contacts, one two-hour group, and additional contacts based on the amount of support or consultation required. For the youth in treatment, two contacts per week which consist of a weekly individual therapy for one hour and weekly individual skills training in a two-hour session. For the biological family or other long-term placement resource, one contact per week in the form of a one-hour family therapy session. Overall duration is 6-9 months.

Intervention Target Population Identified (Age Group)

0-5, 6-12, 13-17, Parent/Adult

Program Goals/Outcomes

Eliminate or reduce youth problem behaviors, Increase developmentally appropriate normative and prosocial behavior in youth, Transition youth to a birth family or lower level aftercare resource, Improve youth peer associations, Improve parent-child interaction and communication, Improve youth coping and social skills, Improve behavior in school and provide academic support.

QIC Target Group

Pre -Target 1

QIC Adoption/Guardianship Relevance Levels

LEVEL 5: Other Human Services

QIC level of Evidence

LEVEL 1: Effective and proven by Research

Intervention Web Site/URL

Contact Person/Purveyor

Gerard J. Bouwman or John Aarons (



Contact Email

Contact Phone

(541) 343-2388

External Links (Registry/Other Catalog)
