Pathways to Permanency Program

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Program/Intervention Name

Pathways to Permanency Program


Family Functioning, Family Support and Placement Stabilization Programs, Sibling Relationship Support, Social/emotional functioning, Trauma Treatment, Pre and Post Adoption Program, Information and Referral, Attachment Interventions, Behavioral Management and Treatment, Crisis Intervention

Program/Intervention Description

Wide range of trauma informed services incorporating foster and adoption issues to strengthen and support families: Caregivers can consult on behavior management, PCIT-A training, strategies to enhance bonding and attachment; Identifying and obtaining needed services to support child and family; Parenting a child with a history of trauma; Managing the complexities of relationships with birth families, service providers, and previous caregivers; Preparing siblings for the arrival of a new foster or adoptive child and/or addressing challenges that may arise between siblings. Supporting foster and pre-adoptive families at risk for placement disruption. Developing trauma-informed strategies for managing difficult behavior.

Intervention Target Population Identified (Age Group)

0-5, Parent/Adult, 6-12, 13-17

Program Goals/Outcomes

The Pathways to Permanency Program (P2P) strives to strengthen and support families in providing foster and adoptive children with a nurturing and stable home environment.

QIC Target Group

Both Target 1 and Target 2

QIC Adoption/Guardianship Relevance Levels

LEVEL 3: Replicated Without Adaptation for Adoption or Guardianship

QIC level of Evidence

LEVEL 5: Better Practice

Intervention Web Site/URL

Contact Person/Purveyor

Kristine Konnath, LICSW


Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute

Contact Email

Contact Phone

978-264-3500 x 3510

External Links (Registry/Other Catalog)

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