Tuning in to Kids (TIK)

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Program/Intervention Name

Tuning in to Kids (TIK)


Assessment and Measurement Instruments for Target Populations, Family Functioning, Parenting Skills - Training and Enhancement

Program/Intervention Description

The program focuses on emotions and is designed to help parents develop better relationships with their kids. Teaches parents simple emotion coaching skills, which are how to recognize, understand, and manage their own emotions as well as their childrens. The program aims to prevent problems developing in children, promote emotional competence in parents and children, and when present reduce and treat problems with children's emotional and behavioral functioning.

Intervention Target Population Identified (Age Group)

Parent/Adult, 0-5, 6-12, 13-17

Program Goals/Outcomes

Increased positive parenting behaviors. Program aims to prevent problems developing in children, promote emotional competence in parents and children, and when present reduce and treat problems with children's emotional and behavioral functioning.

QIC Target Group

Both Target 1 and Target 2

QIC Adoption/Guardianship Relevance Levels

LEVEL 6: General Population

QIC level of Evidence

LEVEL 1: Effective and proven by Research

Intervention Web Site/URL

Contact Person/Purveyor

Ann Harley, MA; Sophie Havighurst, PhD (sshavi@unibelb.edu.au


Tuning in to Kids (TIK) Mindful University of Melbourne

Contact Email


Contact Phone

613 937121 0 (international)

External Links (Registry/Other Catalog)
