Tuning in to Teens (TINT)

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Program/Intervention Name

Tuning in to Teens (TINT)


Family Functioning, Parenting Skills - Training and Enhancement, Social/emotional functioning, Conflict management, Problem solving, Decision making and self-esteem, Academic performance/functioning and achievement, Attachment Interventions, Child Mental Health - externalizing

Program/Intervention Description

Tuning in to Teens (TINT) is a 7 session emotion coaching program designed to proactively increase parent’s capacity to understand and respond effectively to their youth’s emotions and to through that enhanced capacity improve the emotional competence of their youth. Such improvements in emotional competence have been correlated with a number of positive outcomes and have been shown to strengthen the attachment between the dyad (Havighurst, Kehoe & Harley, 2015). Under the supervision of the purveyor, the model will be adapted to ensure that the curriculum addresses the special dynamics common to families formed by adoption and guardianship

Intervention Target Population Identified (Age Group)

Parent/Adult, 13-17

Program Goals/Outcomes

Increase parents' awareness/regulation of their own emotions and improve their emotional well-being; Reduce parents' dismissive or critical reactions to adolescents emotions; Increase parents' emotion coaching (i.e., supportive, scaffolding responses to emotions) skills with their adolescents; Improve parent-adolescent relationships and reduce conflict; Promote emotional competence in adolescents; Reduce emotional and behavioral difficulties in adolescents

QIC Target Group

General - 3

QIC Adoption/Guardianship Relevance Levels

LEVEL 2: Adapted for Adoption or Guardianship
LEVEL 4: Foster Care
LEVEL 6: General Population
Intervention is being evaluated in a project site

QIC level of Evidence

LEVEL 2: Supported by Research

Intervention Web Site/URL

Contact Person/Purveyor

Dr. Sophie Havighurst


Mindful: Centre for Training and Research in Developmental Health Department of Psychiatry University of Melbourne

Contact Email


Contact Phone

0061-3-9371-0202 Fax: -61-3-9371-0250

External Links (Registry/Other Catalog)
