Challenges of Engaging Adoptive and Guardianship Families

This is a recording of the Lessons Learned webinar presented September 25th, 2017


The National Quality Improvement Center for Adoption/Guardianship Support and Preservation (QIC-AG) developed a Permanency Continuum Framework built on the premise that children in adoptive and guardianship families fare better when their caregivers are prepared and supported to address issues before they arise, and before issues escalate into crisis. However, the QIC-AG sites are learning that it can be challenging to engage families who are not seeking support or do not perceive that they currently have service needs. This webinar will highlight Illinois and New Jersey’s efforts to proactively involve families in services that prepare children and families for the teenage years. Presenters will discuss the integrated theory of participation and how Illinois and New Jersey developed and refined their interventions offered through the QIC-AG to mitigate these challenges. Additionally, the webinar will discuss how the lessons learned in these sites might refine future thinking about proactive service delivery for adoptive and guardianship families.