Intervention and Program Catalog


The QIC-AG Intervention and Program Catalog was developed by the National Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support and Preservation (QIC-AG) as a tool for identifying evidence-based or evidence-informed programs and promising practices that can be used to address pre- and post-permanency needs of children in foster care. The Catalog contains over 100 programs and interventions that are or could be adapted to work with children transitioning to adoption or guardianship as well as children and families who have obtained permanence through adoption or guardianship. The Catalog itself is not an evidence-based review system, database, clearinghouse, or registry (i.e., an organized structure or system that reviews the research on interventions, evaluates the outcomes, and confirms the evidence base). Further, the inclusion of an intervention in the QIC-AG Intervention and Program Catalog does not constitute an endorsement, promotion, or approval of the intervention by QIC-AG or The Children’s Bureau.

Intervention and Program Catalog Information

Intervention and Program Profiles
The profiles included in the QIC-AG Intervention and Program Catalog are organized around adoption relevance, level of evidence, target population, and the primary focus of the intervention. Each profile provides a brief description of the intervention, identifies the target population, defines the adoption relevance, and provides external links to the organization or person to contact for detailed information. Whenever possible, the intervention profiles were developed in consultation with the developers or purveyors of each intervention.

Some intervention profiles include links to external evidence-based review organizations that have extensive information regarding the interventions and cite the available research that has been conducted on the intervention. These sites often identify possible cautions about the research.

External Link Disclaimer: This Catalog provides external links as a convenience to our users. The appearance of external hyperlinks on the QIC-AG website does not constitute endorsement by the QIC-AG of the linked websites, the information on those sites, nor any products or services contained therein. The QIC-AG cannot attest to the accuracy of the information and does not exercise any editorial control over the information.

How Were the Interventions and Profiles Identified?
This Catalog was not intended to provide an exhaustive list of adoption-related interventions, but rather to include only those interventions that might be relevant and appropriate for the QIC-AG Initiative’s two target populations (click here for target descriptions: QIC-AG Target). The interventions included in the catalog were identified by the QIC-AG through searches of evidence-based review systems, databases, clearinghouses, registries and catalogs, and literature reviews, and through conversations with State Adoption Managers and other experts in the field. Listed below are the 15 primary evidence-based review systems, clearinghouses, or registries from which interventions with possible utility for the QIC-AG target populations were identified. For more comprehensive information about the interventions, please consult these resources.

  1. Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness and Rating
  2. National Child Traumatic Stress Network
  3. Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
  4. Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy
  5. Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development
  6. National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices [SAMHSA]
  7. Model Programs Guide [Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention]
  8. [National Institute of Justice]
  9. California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare
  10. Child Trends
  11. Find Youth Info Program Directory [National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments]
  12. Promising Practices Network
  14. Evidence Based Interventions Programm Hub
  15. What Works Clearinghouse [Institute of Education Sciences]

Interventions selected for inclusion in the QIC-AG Catalog had to meet the criterion of either (a) designed specifically to address needs of Target Group 1 and Target Group 2 or (b) could be adapted to serve the needs of the two QIC-AG target populations. Interventions were not included or excluded based on whether significant program effects were found. Similarly, interventions selected for the catalog did not necessarily have to have been rigorously evaluated or replicated. Notably, interventions selected as appropriate for Target Group 1 included only interventions that prepare children and families to move toward permanence. That is, interventions that primarily focus on recruitment or matching for Target Group 1 were not included.

How do you perform a search in the Intervention and Program Catalog?
The Catalog can be searched in the following ways:

  • Alphabetically or by key term
  • By Intervention Focus/Category
  • By Age Group
  • By Adoption/Guardianship Relevance
  • By QIC Level of Evidence
  • By QIC Target Group

Search Tips

When using the Catalog, limit the parameters of your search to those of the greatest importance. Selecting multiple values or criteria will reduce the number of intervention profiles returned. Given the limited pool of interventions focused on the two target populations, a search with many criteria selected increases the likelihood of a search that returns 0 results.

Press the [Search] button to perform a search based on the selected criteria or press the [Clear] button to clear the selected search criteria.

Searching by alphabetic or by key term

The Catalog can be searched by key term or alphabetically. When searching by key term, select the terms that represent the most important or critical element of the intervention you are looking for.

Intervention Focus/Category

To make highly specific searchers possible, the interventions have been grouped into categories that highlight the areas the interventions address or focus on. Users can click on the category to filter the search results accordingly. To select multiple categories, press the Ctrl key and select the other categories. Examples of some of the categories are listed below:

  • Academic performance/functioning and achievement
  • Adoption preparation
  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Assessment and measurement instruments for target populations
  • Attachment interventions

Intervention by Age Group

Interventions that identified the age range of the intended audience (i.e., participants, clients) have been categorized using the following age ranges:

  • 0–5 years
  • 6–12 years
  • 13–17 years
  • Older than 17 years (i.e., >17)
  • Parent/Adult
  • Unknown

Please note that some interventions cover more than one age range. Select one or more checkbox to filter the search results.

Level of adoption or guardianship relevance

To aid sites in identifying and selecting interventions, QIC-AG developed an Adoption/Guardianship Relevance scale. The scale was created after review of other relevance scales, articles and interviews with project staff and advisory members. The scale ensures a method of identifying and approximating the interventions with relevance to the QIC-AG target populations. Select the desired QIC-AG Relevance Level to filter the search results.

Adoption / Guardianship Relevance Scale

  • LEVEL 6: General Population. The intervention, support, or program was designed to be used with the general population of children and families.
  • LEVEL 5: Other Human Services. The intervention, support, or program was designed to be used with the children and families involved with all other human services, such as juvenile justice, mental health, child protective services, family stabilization, residential, and substance abuse services.
  • LEVEL 4: Foster Care. The intervention, support, or program was designed to meet the needs of all children and families involved in foster care, regardless of their permanency goal.
  • LEVEL 3: Replicated Without Adaptation for Adoption or Guardianship. The intervention, support, or program was not originally designed to respond to the needs of pre- or post-adoptive/guardianship families; however, the intervention is being replicated without adaptation and is currently provided to pre- or post-adoptive/guardianship families.
  • LEVEL 2: Adapted for Adoption or Guardianship. The intervention, support, or program was not originally designed to respond to the needs of pre- and or-post adoptive/guardianship families but has been specifically adapted to these target families.
  • LEVEL 1: Designed for Adoption or Guardianship. The intervention, support, or program was originally designed to respond to the needs of pre- and post-adoptive/guardianship families.

Level of Evidence

The interventions and programs were identified from multiple sources that use various scales and levels for rating the evidence. Given the variations among the existing scales, the QIC-AG developed a six-level Evidence Rating Scale or “crosswalk” that enabled the project to approximate the level of evidence for each intervention by using one or more of the following three methods: 1) a review conducted by one or more credible evidence-based review organizations, 2) information provided by the developer or purveyor of the intervention, or 3) additional information about the intervention that was obtained from searches conducted by QIC-AG staff.

Please note that some interventions included in the Catalog have not undergone any review of the program’s evidence base. The QIC-AG developed and adapted the following Evidence Scale to ensure consistency and utility for the QIC-AG.

  • LEVEL 6: Failed to Prove Positive Effect. Interventions in this level have been tested in studies but have not established positive findings.
  • LEVEL 5: Better Practice. Interventions in this level constitute guidelines or practices primarily driven by clinical wisdom, guild organizations, or other consensus approaches that do not include systematic research evidence.
  • LEVEL 4: Promising Practice. Interventions in this level are recognized by professionals and organizations in the field to have demonstrated an impact. This level of includes promising practices and acceptable treatments that have some research evidence or a record of clinical experience from experts or other respected authorities. Rigor of evaluation is low. Interventions appear to produce desired results and have shown promise in improving client outcomes in studies using non-experimental design.
  • LEVEL 3: Emerging Practice. Interventions in this level are supported and acceptable treatments with positive evidence from studies at the middle levels of the research hierarchy pyramid, including non-randomized studies, which are also referred to as quasi-experimental studies; observational studies; correlation studies; and comparative studies. Examples include panel studies, cohort studies, and case-control studies.
  • LEVEL 2: Supported by Research. Interventions in this level are supported with positive evidence from two or more quasi-experimental studies or at least one randomized controlled trial. Evidence at this level indicates a strong likelihood that intervention produces the desired effects, but the evidence has not risen to the level of proving cause-and-effect.
  • LEVEL 1: Effective and Proven by Research. Interventions in this level are well-supported with positive evidence from two or more randomized controlled trials (RCTs). RCTs are the “gold standard” in research, indicating a high level of evaluation rigor. However, given the high cost of conducting RCTs, fewer interventions have been evaluated using this design.

Select the desired QIC-AG Level of Evidence to filter the search results accordingly.

Target Population

The Catalog was designed to help QIC-AG sites identify interventions that, when implemented with fidelity, would likely be effective in advancing and supporting permanency for the QIC-AG target populations:

  • Target Group 1: Children with challenging mental health, emotional, or behavioral issues who are awaiting an adoptive or guardianship placement; and children in an identified adoptive or guardianship home but whose placement has not led to finalization for a significant period of time.
  • Target Group 2: Children and families who have already finalized the adoption or guardianship. This group includes children who have obtained permanence through private guardianship, private domestic adoptions, and international adoptions.
  • Both Target 1 and Target 2
  • General

Select the desired QIC-AG Relevance Level to filter the search results.

Additions to the Catalog

The QIC-AG is committed to continually refining the current intervention and program profiles and adding profiles as new interventions or programs are identified. Any person or organization may submit information that supports revisions to the intervention profiles or may submit information on an intervention to be considered for inclusion in the Catalog. Intervention developers, purveyors, and researchers are encouraged to submit information on their intervention or program.

To submit a program, please download and complete the following form: Intervention Submission Form and email it to Please include articles and evaluations that support your information.

Click here to access the: Intervention and Program Catalog