Motivational Interviewing

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Program/Intervention Name

Motivational Interviewing


Alcohol and drug use, Family Functioning

Program/Intervention Description

What: MI is a client-centered, directive method designed to enhance client motivation for behavior change. It focuses on exploring and resolving ambivalence by increasing intrinsic motivation to change How: MI directly provides services to adults and addresses substance abuse or dependence and other health/lifestyle behavior change issues. Services are provided in 1 - 3, 30 - 50 minute individual sessions.

Intervention Target Population Identified (Age Group)

Parent/Adult, 13-17

Program Goals/Outcomes

To reduce adolescent drug abuse and facilitating adaptive and protective developmental processes. Enhance internal motivation to change, Reinforce this motivation, Develop a plan to achieve change

QIC Target Group

General - 3

QIC Adoption/Guardianship Relevance Levels

LEVEL 6: General Population

QIC level of Evidence

LEVEL 1: Effective and proven by Research

Intervention Web Site/URL

Contact Person/Purveyor

Melinda Hohman, PhD


San Diego State University

Contact Email

Contact Phone

(619) 594-5500

External Links (Registry/Other Catalog)
