Pathways to Permanency Program

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Program/Intervention Name

Pathways to Permanency Program


Pre and Post Adoption Program, Information and Referral, Attachment Interventions, Behavioral Management and Treatment, Crisis Intervention, Family Functioning, Family Support and Placement Stabilization Programs, Sibling Relationship Support, Social/emotional functioning, Trauma Treatment

Program/Intervention Description

Wide range of trauma informed services incorporating foster and adoption issues to strengthen and support families: Caregivers can consult on behavior management, PCIT-A training, strategies to enhance bonding and attachment; Identifying and obtaining needed services to support child and family; Parenting a child with a history of trauma; Managing the complexities of relationships with birth families, service providers, and previous caregivers; Preparing siblings for the arrival of a new foster or adoptive child and/or addressing challenges that may arise between siblings. Supporting foster and pre-adoptive families at risk for placement disruption. Developing trauma-informed strategies for managing difficult behavior.

Intervention Target Population Identified (Age Group)

6-12, 13-17, 0-5, Parent/Adult

Program Goals/Outcomes

The Pathways to Permanency Program (P2P) strives to strengthen and support families in providing foster and adoptive children with a nurturing and stable home environment.

QIC Target Group

Both Target 1 and Target 2

QIC Adoption/Guardianship Relevance Levels

LEVEL 3: Replicated Without Adaptation for Adoption or Guardianship

QIC level of Evidence

LEVEL 5: Better Practice

Intervention Web Site/URL

Contact Person/Purveyor

Kristine Konnath, LICSW


Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute

Contact Email

Contact Phone

978-264-3500 x 3510

External Links (Registry/Other Catalog)

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