Step-by-Step Parenting Program

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Program/Intervention Name

Step-by-Step Parenting Program


Parent Engagement, Parenting Skills - Training and Enhancement

Program/Intervention Description

Breaks down and teaches essential child-care skills for children from birth to about 3 years old into small steps. Covers a wide-range of parenting skills related to child health, safety, and development.

Intervention Target Population Identified (Age Group)

Parent/Adult, 0-5

Program Goals/Outcomes

1) Objectively identify impediments and supports to successful parenting, and specific parenting skill deficits, so as to design a comprehensive family intervention, 2) Help the family organize supports and services to meet the family's needs and keep the child safe, 3) Increase parenting skills to reduce the risk of, or actual, child neglect through in-home step-by-step parent training, 4) Improve child health, development, and behavior problems related to parenting skill deficits, 5) Have the parents maintain learned skills over time, 6) Have the parents Generalize learned skills to all situations in which they are needed, 7) Reduce need for out-of-home care placements and permanent removal of the child, 8) Help parents to decrease reliance on paid supports, 9) Help parents to develop a natural support network for the family.

QIC Target Group

General - 3

QIC Adoption/Guardianship Relevance Levels

LEVEL 6: General Population

QIC level of Evidence

LEVEL 2: Supported by Research

Intervention Web Site/URL

Contact Person/Purveyor

Maurice Feldman, PhD, C.Psych, BCBA-D


Brock University: Centre for Applied Disability Studies

Contact Email

Contact Phone

(905) 688-5550 x4894

External Links (Registry/Other Catalog)
